Hello Lovelies!
So today I am doing the Christmas tag made by Georgina (Georgina's Post) It is December now, I've started my advent calender so as far as i am concerned it is not too early, How very dare you. I am soo excited for Christmas even if I am very very unprepared! I'm sorry for all the tag blog posts lately but I feel so uninspired lately. I do have loads of Ideas that I haven't got round to doing but they will be on the way!
1. Do you prefer a real Christmas tree or synthetic?
I prefer real trees but synthetic are a lot less messy and a bit easier.
2. You're in a coffee shop, it's December, what do you pick?
Oh my gosh, I'd be there all day deciding! I recently had the white hot chocolate at Costa and it was very sweet but delicious. Even though Its winter, I still get Iced drinks. Yes I know. Weird kid. I'm a big fan of the Pret a manger frappes and the Costa creamy coolers.
3. Whats your favourite colour scheme for decorating the tree?
Over time, our family has collected a lot of ornaments for our tree. And every year we cram as many on as possible. The tree has a lot of red baubles etc but we have never had a particular colour theme.
4. Giving or receiving?
I genuinely prefer giving. I love seeing peoples reactions and knowing that the extra effort was worth it. Of course, I love receiving and I am incredibly grateful. Giving and receiving are both so fun but I like giving better.
I genuinely prefer giving. I love seeing peoples reactions and knowing that the extra effort was worth it. Of course, I love receiving and I am incredibly grateful. Giving and receiving are both so fun but I like giving better.
5. To mince pie or not to?
To mince pie. Obviously.
6. What's your traditional Sunday lunch?
I'm so confused by this question. My Traditional Christmas Lunch consists of Turkey, Gingerbread stuffing (My favourite thing, its a Nigella recipe, google it) Loads and loads of vegetables, pigs in blankets and loads more!
7. Christmas day fashion
I have always dressed up for christmas day (When i was 8 i wore a flamenco dress lols) I wear a dress and tights (Never a bodycon dress, Don't make that mistake) I always wear slippers because i get a new pair most years.
8. What's your favourite Christmas song?
I just love them all. Rubbish answer.
9. What's your favourite Christmas film?
Love actually, Nativity, Elf and Home alone.
10. Open presents before or after lunch?
Majority of them are opened after.
Well I feel festive! I really hope you enjoyed that post and thank you so much for reading! I am really exited for Christmas and i hope you have a good one!
Untill next time,