Saturday 11 April 2015

An Update

Hiya guys,

As a few of you may know, I am taking my GCSEs at the moment, and my final exams are right around the corner. So I'm afraid to say you won't be hearing much from me in the blogging world over the next few months, These exams are really important so they really do need to take priority. After my exams are over, I have a really long summer (yaaasss) Although I do have lots of plans already, I am more than sure that I will be able to fit in some regular blogging (Get ready for prom with me anyone?). I'm sorry! Obviously I would rather be blogging that revising but I'm not sure what my teachers would say about that! ;) Thank you for understanding and for sticking with Ellieeloves! My readers mean the world to me and I can't believe how many there are of you now! See you in the summer! 

Ellie x
Images by Freepik