Hello Lovelies
I went shopping again. And when I say shopping I mean
Shopping. I did some serious damage, but do I regret it?
Slightly Sometimes we need to treat ourselves because who else will. Don't listen to me or you might buy too much and justify it with that quote like I did. Bring on the haul.
The first place I went was Superdrug and oh look at that, they had a 3 for 2 offer on. So naturally I went a little
teeny tiny bit bonkers. I do not recommend going into Superdrug at the moment unless you have serious self control.
First purchase, oh hell to the yes. I've been wanting to try some of sleeks cheek products for a while, as always most of the blush by threes and face forms were out of stock. But i picked up this nifty little compact with a contour and a highlighter. I know the contouring powder looks scarily dark but you can blend it to look somewhat natural. I must admit, I am a fan of heavy contouring. Looking like a
tanned goddess wotsit somehow doesn't seem like a negative thing to me. -
Now I had been lusting after this for around 48 hours, justified purchase? Definitely. The Revlon lip butter in 'Berry smoothie' is an absolutely gorgeous pink everyday shade, A little more sheer than 'sorbet' but definitely buildable. I laarve it. -
I was in desperate need of a waterproof mascara, because I 'suffer' with mascara transferring onto my upper cheek and leaving me looking like a panda. Still my favourite animal but not so cute on a teenaged girl. I sadly report that I still find this begins to leak down my face but not as much. It is an amazing mascara with a fat plastic want. This is currently on a introductory offer at superdrug. -
Then I made an incredibly and out of character-ly spontaneous purchase from benefit. I know, crazy right? The lovely lady at the benefit counter put Gimme-brow on me and I loved it. After a brief discussion with my friend I was with, I bought it. I am not absolutely in love with this product as I assumed I would be, but I do know that my brow game has been on point for the past few days. -
My last stop on this shopping trip was Topshop. I bought two things.
Check out the bokeh on that. A* Photography Ellie |
I bought this Hand of Fatima/ Hamsa hand silver chain necklace. -

I also bought this blue and cream patterned scrunchie, this was just calling my name as I walked out of Topshop and I just had to buy it. God I sound like a spoilt brat in this blog post. -
Conclusion - I bought things I didn't really need with money I didn't really have. But I love it!
Until next time,