Hello Lovelies!
So today is a very exciting post for me, I am actually grinning like an idiot whilst typing this! The
extremely lovely
SincerelyBrionyBea nominated me to do 'Liebster Award' Which i had never heard of before, but to put it simply It is a blog post which is designed specifically for smaller bloggers to get to know eachother. There is 11 questions that the person who nominated you created that you have to answer. I was shocked to see that someone actually reads my blog! You then leave your own 11 questions and the people you nominate at the end of your blogpost.
Here are the questions that I got nominated to answer:
1. What is your favourite colour/design you've ever had on your nails?
I have never been a big nail art lover. I am just a fan of a simple manicure with perhaps a glitter feature nail. I absolutely love the nail polish i am wearing now which is Sally Hansen - Green tea. I believe this nail polish is discontinued now but you can find many similar nail polishes such as Essie - Mint Candy Apple
With flash |
(Weird photo) Without flash |
2. What is your favourite lip balm?
3. Who is your favourite artist/band at the moment?
I am absolutely loving Lorde at the moment. Her album pure heroine is just perfection. I also have re-discovered my old obsession with The midnight beast. (Guilty pleasure) I can also see myself becoming very quickly unhealthily obsessed with Nina Nesbitt. And her style omg
4. How often do you wear eyeliner?
I wear eyeliner probably one or two days a week. I used to obsessively wear it everyday this time last year but we won't talk about that.
5. Your dream career?
I'm not going to say what I think I'll end up doing but imagine making a living from making YouTube videos!
6. What is your favourite face wash to use?
Good ol' warm water
7. Jumpers or cardigans?
Cardigans because I'm a big skirt and dress wearer.
8. Your favourite pair of shoes?
It would have to be either my Hi-top houndstooth converse, My low top white converse, or my Wedged brown boots.
9. Why did you decide to begin blogging?
I began blogging in June 2013, I chose to because I was really getting into makeup. I had heard all about it on instagram and i was interested. To hear about it fully check out my very first blog post.
10. Do you watch any YouTubers?
I watch way too many! I watch the "Youtube Gang" (Zoe , Louise , Alfie , Marcus , Caspar , Jim , Joe etc) My favourite youtuber is Kailee Mckenzie
11. If you could recommend ONE beauty product to everyone, what would it be?
Thank you again to Briony for tagging me!
Who i tag:
Your questions:
1. What is the number 1 product you will always repurchase?
2. What is your favourite body moisturiser/ Butter?
3. What is your ultimate style staple?
4. What is your favourite drugstore makeup brand?
5. Who is your style crush?
6. How much makeup do you wear from day to day?
7. How much do you spend on an average shopping trip?
8. What is your favourite high end makeup brand?
9. What is your favourite shop?
10. What social media site do you spend most of your time on?
11. When and why did you start blogging?
Well thats it guys! Thank you so much for reading, Make sure to follow me on my social media platforms:
Instagram : Ellieeloves (Comment saying you're here from my blog and i will follow you back!)