Sunday, 16 March 2014

Simple Smoky Eye!

Hello lovelies!

So today I am going to share my new favourite eyeshadow look with you. A smokey eye! It is a marginally less intense smokey eye but a smokey eye none the less! I'm going to get right into it before this becomes another rambly blogpost.

First, Apply a eye primer to keep your eyes looking fierce all day/night. I use the E.L.F Eyelid Primer (I have the shade champagne) All over my eyelid including the inner corner. This will ensure your eyeshadow looks amazing for as long as you wear it. It also helps the colours look bolder and prevents creasing.

Next, I apply The Maybelline EyeStudio Color Tattoo 24hr Cream Eyeshadow In the colour "On and On bronze" I find this is the perfect base for a brown smoky eye. Apply this all over the lid using a finger, blend the edges with an eye brush to make them smooth. Avoid the inner corner.

Then, I pat a brown eyeshadow over the top. Putting the base on before hand gives the look a lot of dimension. I use the MUA Undressed palette I use the seventh shade, all over lid, focusing on the centre. Avoid the inner corner again.

it went sideways (facepalm)

Next I put a darker brown (The tenth shade in the MUA undressed palette) and apply to the outer third of the eyelid.

Next I take my Benefit Groovy Kind-a love! set, and taking the darkest brown (Kiss me I'm tipsy) I apply this to the outer v of my eye. Then lightly blend all the colours together, leaving definition but not harsh lines. And apply a light/white colour (Tickle my ivory)into the inner corner and onto the browbown.

Apply your favourite Mascara and or Eyeliner and you are good to go!

(Sorry about the visible fall out)

I love wearing this eyeshadow look because it is subtle yet gorgeous and fool proof. Have fun creating this look, and thank you so much for reading.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

My Spring goals

Hello lovelies,

Well i think its fair enough to say that spring has sprung and amongst the grizzly days we have had some beautiful ones. The daffodils are out and the trees are blossoming, I feel like i need to change some things and set some goals for myself for the rest of 2014.

1. Speak less
This sounds extremely weird. But I am one of those people who says something if they can think of anything to say. I can't really put it into words which is kind of ironic. Despite the fact that i speak alot I am a strong believer that actions speak louder than words. Its not that i need to tape my mouth shut, i just need to think about what i say before i say it. Will what i want to say add anything to the conversation? Will it end up leaving a negative vibe or impression?This in particular applies to school if i speak less, I can listen more. 

“It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it.”

2. Manage my time 
I am currently doing my gcses (The main qualifications in Secondary school) which means even if i don't have homework, i have something that i could be doing. I have come to the conclusion that I spend way too much of my time on social media. I worked out that i have roughly 5 free hours from when i get home from school. I need to make a timetable managing this time. And I need to stop procrastinating gah, any tips?

Remember; Ask yourself: Is this a useful/entertaining way to spend my time? If the answer is no then stop. 

3. Be nicer
This one is not set for me inparticular, i just think everyone can afford to be a little bit nicer. 

4. Get/keep your room tidy
Honestly guys, this makes such a difference. Having grown up with a permanently messy room, having a tidy one is so different, i feel fancy! Now the task is to keep it tidy. Hmmm

I hope you enjoyed this little slightly out of the blue post. Maybe it inspired you to incorporate one of these goals with your everyday life? Thank you very much for reading!

Images by Freepik